Afraid to try new things? You do every day. Each moment is new. Each moment is a chance to learn, grow, improve.
Afraid to try new things? You don't have to. You can loll about in the same. Sometimes, that's what we do. But remember, each moment is new. Each moment is a chance to learn, grow, improve.
I've been trying new things for the past year. Yoga every damn day is a new thing for me. I like it.
Strength training is a new thing for me. I've done it before, but never like this. Never combined with a daily yoga practice. Never combined with a practice of walking. I like it.
Year's end is fast approaching. I'm not a huge fan of "new years resolutions," but they can be useful. If it helps you to pick a hard date, a milestone, to make a change - to try something new - do it. Try something new.
You can set a date. The new year is as good as any. You can also just start. Start now. Start today.
Up to you. But, consider trying something new. Consider now.