I have a notion that Texas is a geographic oddity. It seems every town is about two hours from something, usually the place you need to be. I've become fascinated with Texas town names.
Ugly - I once heard of a town called Ugly, Texas. I can find no record of it, but I haven't looked too hard and I have hope.
Bronte - pronounced BRONT. Who knew?
Colorado City - Pronounced call-uh-RAY-doh. Again, who knew?
Eldorado - Pronounced el-duh-RAY-doh. I'm seeing a pattern.
Veribest - Pronounced very-best. Misnomer.
Happy - Pronounced HAA-pee. No.
Cut n Shoot - Pronounced cut-n-shoot. There's gotta be a story here.
Nameless - Pronounced NAm-less. Couldn't make up their minds.
Earth - Pronounced Earth. Every time I go through this town I want to stop and yell, "People of earth."
There are more. Many more. But these are the ones I'm familiar with.