Today is Tuesday 17 July, 2018. I'm back in my office. I'm working on projects. Today feels good.
I woke a little late this morning. Struck out towards Belmont Boulevard at 6:10 am. I didn't want to walk, but it's not always about desire. I walked. I said a mantra. I moved the body and by the time I had visited with Kenny and gotten back home, I was soaked in sweat. It felt amazing. I felt amazing.
I took half an hour to sit in the back yard. Quiet. Mindful. A brief meditation for the start of a new week.
I've been studying success lately. This past weekend was a success, in my mind. I didn't think about how much of a pain in the ass it was to clean the house and make coffee for everyone. I didn't consider too much the driving and shuttling. I just did it. I just did the work and it felt good and easy.
I read a book on the flight home last night. It was a poorly written self-help book. It made one point. That point was worth the price of the book. That book could have been one sentence:
Do the things.
When we spend time in rumination, we are not acting. When we spend time feeling jealous, we are not acting. When we spend time thinking how unfair the world is, we are not acting.
One of the traits of most successful people is action. They don't spend too much time worrying about other's opinions of them. They are comfortable with themselves. They just seem to get shit done. Here's how they do it. They do the things.
It's pretty cool, actually. You can be depressed and do the things. You can be pissed and mired in self-pity and still do the things. Action does not require you to feel great about it. Action just needs to be taken.
I'm not suggesting that we forego meditation and reflection. These things are necessary. But I am suggesting that we get our collective heads out of our collective asses and do the things.
One benefit of action is: It can help you stop with the rumination and jealousy and overwhelming unfairness of the world. When you approach the tasks, the things, with a mindful and present attitude, there's no space for rumination. Sure you might go on a self-rant for a bit, but over time (usually a pretty short period of it) the mind quiets and the work gets done. Then, you feel a sense of accomplishment and you've been doing the things.
Zig Ziggler suggests that if we, "... act enthusiastic ...," we will, "... be enthusiastic." It's simple. It's maybe even trite. But it does work.
Go out now and do the things.