It seems like fall has been taking its own sweet time in joining us this year. Maybe it's that summer has been hanging on too long. Either way, this end of summer has been extended and - well - hot.
Hope springs eternal. Last weekend was lovely, if a bit hot during the days. This weekend is looking to be magnificent. Highs in the mid 60s and lows in the 30s. Perfect weather for a fire in the pot-belly stove. Perfect weather for a fire in the fire pit that lives down on the patio. Perfect weather for firing up The Girl, our massive fire table. Yes, hope springs eternal.
Usually, by mid-week, I've developed a menu for the weekend. Today, I'm on the search for things to which I might apply heat. Might be something as simple as burgers. Could be something as complex as pheasant in the dutch oven. We'll see.
In our never ending quest to craft a set for our live-fire cooking classes, we've been building and making and arranging and organizing. This weekend, Kim and I will haul cameras and sound kit to the river. We've a shot list for b-roll and maybe, just maybe, we'll get industrious and shoot a couple of interview segments. We'll see.