"Slow noodles" is also a philosophy Chantha Nguon inherited from her mother: The best dishes require extra time and love to prepare. Chantha's childhood kitchen was a wonderland of flavors, from Khmer village fare to sumptuous French dishes. It's a legacy she carries forward in her own kitchen.
This summer in Nashville, Chantha shares her recipes from that lost world. She'll demonstrate traditional soups and curries, Khmer-style barbecues, spring rolls, and sticky rice desserts. Whether you're an adventurous eater or a chili-phobic newbie, there's something here for you.
I watched her while she cooked. It's methodical. It's magical. The flavors are otherworldly.
I watched her blend the sauces. I watched her roast the chilis. I watched her extract every bit of goodness from them. I tasted the chili sauce. We have a new sambol. Homemade chili sauce is a different sport.
Nothing happens fast around here. It all unfolds as needed. I do not go hungry. Not for a second. Chantha makes sure of that.