I was awake before the alarm went off. I anticipated the sound. I stopped it just as it started. I sat in the bed and thought about all the wonderful things in my life. I rolled out of bed with a smile.
I slipped on shorts. I pulled over a tank top. I grabbed my glasses. I put on my new smartwool hat. I picked up my walking shoes and headed out the back door.
It was dark. I walked in the dark to Kenny's. His truck was in the parking lot, blocking a new pour of concrete. The door was locked. I called. He answered. He had made a quick run to recycle some cardboard. He was about two minutes away. It was 4:45 and Kenny had already been at the shop for a little over an hour. (And I was proud to be up at 4:30.)
An owl hooted to me along Belmont Blvd. She's done so for the past few days. I called back and she answered. I smiled. I felt an overwhelming sense of joy. A rabbit hopped out in front of me. He stopped and sat there, still. I felt joy. A robin sat high on an electric wire, singing her morning song. I felt joy.
I said my mantra. I smiled. I made the conscious decision to skip 6:00 am yoga and go ahead and start my work day a little early.
I'm going to enjoy the noon hour practice with my pal Raquel. Immediately after that, I'll go spend an hour with Joe, the torturer. I'm so happy with this day.
I have an amazing home in a crazy nice neighborhood. I have my best friend as a wife and partner. I have a house full of guests. I have a perfect backyard for sitting and thinking and meditating and ....
I have a lot for which to be grateful. I have joy.