I practiced this morning with several friends - people who've supported me throughout the past year. People I expect will continue to support me for the next year, and the next, and ....

These amazing people all came out on a Sunday morning to practice with me and help me celebrate a year of yoga. These human beings got me through the year. They encouraged. They showed up. They taught. They smiled. They adjusted. They corrected. They offered love and friendship. We've hiked. We've cooked. We've seen music. We've had too much to drink. We've propped each other up. We've made fun. We've laughed. They - every last one of them - supported me in this #yogaeverydamnday experiment. I'm proud to call them friends.
I chose the Spanish version of year for the title because this whole journey started as an homage to the Camino de Santiago. It takes 33 days to walk from St. Jean Pied de Port to Santiago de Compostela. I set a goal of 33 days in a row - sort of a personal pilgrimage.
Well, I made 33 days and kept the daily practice going. I made 100 days and celebrated with a new tattoo. I considered taking a break then, but it just felt like part of my life at that point. One full year of daily yoga.
This means nothing. It's just a fact. It's not something to be proud of. It's just something I've done. It feels right. It feels like my mind needs the focus. It feels like my spirit needs the daily boost. It feels like my body enjoys the practice. I think I'll just keep on going.
Tomorrow, I plan to get up as usual and walk down to have a cup of coffee with my pal Kenny. We'll solve some of the worlds problems. I'll then stroll back home, gather my mat, head down the street to Liberation Nashville and move through the poses.